Results for 2021

The Voting Results Are In!

Thank you to everyone who jumped in, bought a scarecrow kit and created a display!!

Over 100 scarecrow kits were distributed to families and businesses this year to help decorate Milford in advance of the annual Pumpkin Festival. Your creativity and imagination, along with art and engineering skills, were amazing! Dancing scarecrows, scarecrows on bulldozers, campfires, s'mores making, hauntings and so much more!

Bravo to all the families and businesses!

And a special "Bravo, Well Done!" to the Jacques School students and teachers!!

The top vote getters for "Best in Show" in the family and business categories were:

Family - #14 "Pumpkin Bucket Challenge 2021" at 344 Elm St. Unit 52

Business - #25 "Shark Attack" at 49 Nashua St. Wadleigh Memorial Library

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Be sure to check-out the photo gallery posted below!

On behalf of the Milford Rotary Club and the Milford Lions Club,

THANK YOU ALL for participating!

Best In Show Family Category

"Pumpkin Bucket Challenge 2021"

344 Elm Street Unit 52

Best In Show Business Category

"Shark Attack "

49 Nashua St. Wadleigh Memorial Library

Here's a link to the 2021 photo album - Scarecrows Around Milford 2021 Photos